Our Community
Welcome to Cowley St John – a friendly and open-minded community in the heart of East Oxford. We are an inclusive parish with two churches and a beautiful chapel.
St Mary and St John is our main church on the Cowley Road.
St Albans is our smaller church hidden away on Charles Street.
Details of our services are below. We also have a number of other events each month. Sign up to our E-Bulletin for up-to-date information by email.
Services in Church
St Alban’s on Sundays
9.30am, Eucharist or Laudate (more informal services that sometimes include a Eucharist).
St Mary and St John on Sundays
8am & 10.30am, Eucharists
Daily Prayer: Monday-Friday 8am & 5.15pm at St Mary and St John
Weekday Eucharists: Thursdays 10.30am at St Mary and St John, Fridays 9.15am at St Albans.
Bartlemas Evensong: First Sunday of the Month, 5.15pm at Bartlemas Chapel (except January & August)

St Mary & St John Church and Churchyard Plans
We are excited to be planning major refurbishments to the St Mary and St John church and churchyard to make them even more beautiful and more open to the wider community. To see the plans and contribute to our community-wide consultation about them, click here.
We are here to help. Please get in touch if you would like to speak to a priest, email: vicarcsj@gmail.com